Portail officiel de la culture en fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles



Emplois et stages dans le secteur culturel


La présente rubrique a pour objectif de mettre en relation chercheurs d'emploi ou de stage et opérateurs du secteur culturel. La FWB n'assure pas un rôle de placement et ne peut en aucun cas être tenue pour responsable du suivi ou du contenu des annonces.


Les intitulés de poste sont présentés au genre masculin (f/h/x) dans le seul but de faciliter la lecture et n'a aucune intention discriminatoire. Le genre masculin prend donc ici une valeur neutre. Ainsi, les métiers peuvent se rapporter à des hommes, à des femmes et à des personnes non-binaires. Les opérateurs/annonceurs/employeurs sont invités à prendre connaissance du guide Quand dire, c’est inclure pour la rédaction de leurs annonces.  


Pour toute question, merci d'envoyer un mail à culture.info(at)cfwb.be 




Organisme employeur

Wetlands International Europe
Secteur(s) d'activité(s)
Précisez le secteur d'activité :
ONG de protection de l'environnement
siège social : Rue de l'Industrie 10 - 1000 BRUXELLES
lieu effectif des prestations : idem
site web : http://https://europe.wetlands.org/


Intitulé du poste
Communication Internship (f/h/x)

About Wetlands International Europe

Established in September 2013,Wetlands International Europe is the only network organisation in Europe bringing together NGOs whose shared mission is to inspire and mobilise society to safeguard and restore wetlands for people and nature. Wetlands International Europe has 13 members across Europe.

Our ambition for the period 2020-2030 is to upscale action to safeguard and restore wetlands, collaborating with multiple partners and mobilising a wide range of actors to transform whole landscapes and sectors. Our access to cutting-edge science, combined with our understanding of EU policies, the on-ground experience from our members, partners and their networks, in addition to our own global network, makes us a credible and effective advocate for improving European policies and practices. 

We operate a growing Secretariat, with our key priority to raise the voice of our members in Europe, share knowledge, improve policies and build capacity among stakeholders. For more information, please consult https://europe.wetlands.org/.

Overall purpose of the internship

The ideal candidate will be a creative thinker, capable of developing simple visuals (flyers, factsheets, visuals for social media) aiming at increasing our visibility in Europe both on our social networks and during physical events. The post-holder will support the Communications Officer in the redesign and transfer of our website, the day-to-day management of our social media (LinkedIn, X, Youtube), and the coordination of our Global and Regional newsletters. Their main responsibility will be to ensure the engagement of Wetlands International Europe’s audiences through our various digital channels (social media, website and campaigns). 

Roles and responsibilities 

The Communications Intern will support Wetlands International Europe’s team in delivering our European Programme as well as helping manage communications for a number of specified projects. Supporting roles and responsibilities include: 

Website management  

  1. Assisting with transferring the new website by creating and organising content from the old platform to the new one (on WordPress); 
  • Ensuring that every website article is tagged and published in due form; 
  • Producing data and analytics reports. 

Social media 

  • Assisting with the management and running of corporate X, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts; 
  • Coordinating and scheduling posts in line with our work plans, events and campaigns; 
  • Keeping up to date our Editorial calendar.

External Communications 

  • Developing flyers for our work programmes; 
  • Assisting in designing visual templates (roll-ups, factsheets, layouts); 
  • Assisting with the organisation of events and campaigns; 
  • Gathering inputs for our Global and Regional Newsletters. 


Qualifications requises


  • Creative and visual;  
  • Basic knowledge of design tools such as Canva and/or Adobe; 
  • Knowledge of relevant IT systems, notably WordPress; 
  • A social media whizz; 
  • Understanding of nature conservation issues;  
  • Communicative and open minded;  
  • Excellent communication skills (written and oral) with fluency in English. 
Only applicable to students. See more: https://europe.wetlands.org/about-us/vacancies/communications-intern/
See more: https://europe.wetlands.org/about-us/vacancies/communications-intern/


temps plein
Début de stage
Fin de stage
Stage rémunéré
Internship Offer: Only applicable to students. His/her educational institute should be able to provide an Internship agreement to be signed among the three parties. Part time or full-time (full time =36 hrs/week). Reimbursement of a maximum of 450 EUR/month, based on 36 hour week. The Intern will be asked to register hours and submit a monthly expense claim. Contract duration: Minimum 6 months, Maximum 1 year. Location: The intern will be based in our Brussels office in Belgium. Start date: As soon as possible. How to apply : Applications should include a covering letter summarizing the applicant’s suitability for the position and a detailed CV. Applications should be sent by email to amelie.tagu@wetlands.org, marking your application with “Communications Intern” in the subject line.
See more: https://europe.wetlands.org/about-us/vacancies/communications-intern/

Modalités de recrutement

Documents requis


Motivation Letter

Date limite de rentrée des candidatures : 17-05-2024

Envoyer votre candidature à :
Amélie Tagu
Rue de l'Industrie 10 - 1000 BRUXELLES

ou par courriel: amelie.tagu@wetlands.org

Plus d'infos
Contactez :
Amélie Tagu
Rue de l'Industrie 10 - 1000 BRUXELLES
Téléphone :
Courriel : amelie.tagu@wetlands.org